Atmadharma magazine - Ank 313
(Year 27 - Vir Nirvana Samvat 2496, A.D. 1970)
(simplified iso15919 transliteration).

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: kāratak : 2496 : 9 :
chaitanyasamudra chhe; te mahā ratnākaramān samyagdarshan–gnān–chāritra–ānand vagere anant
guṇanā ratno bharelā chhe. samyagdarshan–gnān–chāritrane traṇ–ratna kahevāy chhe, evā to
anantā ratnonā rasathī ā chaitanyasamudra bharelo chhe. anantaguṇonī nirmaḷaparyāyo sāthe
ā chaitanyano ras abhinna chhe; eṭale abhedapaṇe ek hovā chhatān nirmaḷaparyāyapaṇe te
anek thāy chhe; ā rīte ek hovā chhatān anek thato te adbhutanidhivāḷo bhagavān
ātmā potānā gnānaparyāyorūpī taraṅgovaḍe ḍolī rahyo chhe–ūchhaḷī rahyo chhe–pariṇamī
rahyo chhe. nirmaḷaparyāyo anek hovā chhatān te badhī ek gnānamay nijapadane ja anubhave
chhe–temān ja abhed thāy chhe; khaṇḍakhaṇḍ paryāyarūpe te potāne nathī anubhavatī paṇ
abhedasvabhāvamān ekatā karīne te ek svabhāvapaṇe ja potāne anubhave chhe.
rāg karavāthī jīv melo thāy chhe,
vītarāgabhāvathī jīv pavitra thāy chhe.
dveṣh karavāthī jīv melo thāy chhe,
vītarāgabhāvathī jīv pavitra thāy chhe.
moh karavāthī jīv melo thāy chhe,
gnān karavāthī jīv pavitra thāy chhe.
krodh karavāthī jīv melo thāy chhe,
shāntabhāvathī jīv pavitra thāy chhe.
mithyābhāvothī jīv melo thāy chhe,
samyaktvādi shuddhabhāvothī jīv pavitra thāy chhe.