chhun. amārun ā tattva ja pote bhavathī taravānī naukā chhe; paramashānt evun ā amārun
tattva ja sansāranā kaleshane ṭhārī nāṅkhanārun jaḷ chhe. āvun sahaj tattva amārā antaramān
paryāye – paryāye jayavant vartī rahyun chhe, sākṣhāt vidyamānapaṇe gnānamān vartī rahyun chhe.
amārī gnānapariṇatimān rāg jayavant nathī rahyo, teno to kṣhay thaī gayo chhe, ne
gnānapariṇatimān chaitanyabhagavān param tattva ja jayavantapaṇe birājī rahyun chhe. jyān āvun
param tattva birāje tyān bhego rāg kem rahī shake? antarmukh thayelī amārī
sarve parabhāvone pramodathī chhoḍyā chhe.
to ā param tatva ja jayavant varte chhe; bhagavān paramātmā amārī paryāyamān prasiddha
thayā chhe tethī te jayavant chhe. je hājar hoy, vidyamān hoy tene jayavant kahevāy jenā
svasamvedanagnānamān paramātmatattva anubhavamān āvyun chhe tene māṭe te kharekhar jayavant chhe,
prasiddha chhe, pragaṭ chhe. chhe to badhāy jīvomān āvun paramatattva, paṇ paryāyamān pote
antarmukh thaīne tene dekhe tyāre tene khabar paḍe ke ahā! hun to āvā param svabhāve ja
jayavant chhun. chhe tene jāṇyā vagar ‘jayavant’ kaheshe koṇ? dharmīnī paryāye antarmukh thaīne
param chaitanyaprabhune potāno nāth banāvyo ne tenī sāthe abhed thaī tyāre te em
anubhave chhe ke ā paramātmatattvapaṇe hun
paryāyamān paṇ tevun pariṇaman thaī gayun chhe.