trIjI hAthInI vAto kahevAnun ame kahel, tethI ghaNA bALako tenI
mAgaNI karatA hatA. te vArtA ahIn ApI chhe; te AnandathI
vAnchajo ne temAnthI uttam bodh lejo.
bhagavAn rAmachandrajInA vakhatanI A vAt chhe.
mahArAjA rAvaN ek vakhat lankA taraph jato hato, tyAn vachche sammedashikhar dhAm
rAvaNe A kolAhal sAmbhaLyo, ne mahel par chaDIne joyun ke–ek ghaNo moTo ne atyant
baLavAn hAthI jhUlato–jhUlato AvI rahyo chhe, tethI A garjanA chhe; ne tenAthI DarIne
loko bhAgI rahyA chhe; hAthI ghaNo ja sundar hato, Avo majAno, UnchoUncho hAthI dekhIne
rAvaN rAjI thayo; ne tene A hAthI upar savArI karavAnun man thayun; eTale hAthIne
pakaDavA mATe te nIche Avyo ne hAthInI sAme chAlyo. rAvaNane dekhatAn ja hAthI to tenI
sAme doDyo. loko to AshcharyathI joI rahyA ke have shun thAshe!
te sUnghavA rokAyo, tyAn to chhalAng mArIne rAvaN te hAthInA mAthA upar chaDI gayo, ne
tenA kumbhasthaL par mUThIno prahAr karavA lAgyo.