hAthI sAthe ramat karIne hAthIne thakAvI dIdho; ne chhevaTe rAvaN hAthInI pITh upar chaDI
gayo. hAthI paN jANe rAjA rAvaNane oLakhI gayo hoy tem shAnt thaIne, vinayavAn
sevakanI mAphak Ubho rahyo. rAvaN tenA upar besIne mahel taraph Avyo. chArekor
jayajayakAr thaI rahyo.
hAthImAn te paTTahAthI hato.
potAnI sAthe letA AvyA. rAm–lakShmaNanA 42 lAkh hAthImAn te sauthI moTo hato, ne
tenun ghaNun mAn hatun.
bhayankar avAj karato bhAgyo. hAthInI garjanA sAmbhaLIne ayodhyAnA loko bhayabhIt
thaI gayA. hAthI to doDyo jAy chhe, rAm–lakShmaN tene pakaDavA pAchhaL doDe chhe. doDato
doDato te sarovar kinAre bharat sAme Avyo. loko chintAmAn paDyA–hAy! hAy!
bharatanun shun thashe! tenI mA kaikeyI to hAhAkAr karavA lAgI.
mitra! hAthIne pUrvabhavanun gnAn thayun; pUrvabhavamAn bharat teno mitra hato, ne teo banne
chhaThThA svargamAn sAthe hatA. hAthIne te yAd Avyun ne ghaNo aphasos thayo, ke arere!
pUrvabhavamAn hun A bharatanI sAthe ja hato paN men bhUl karI tethI hun devamAnthI A pashu
thaI gayo. arere, Avo pashuno avatAr! tene dhikkAr chhe.