chhe? te kahIe chhIe
vasantatilakA veshyA, dhanadev, kamaLA ane varuNane (paraspar) thayA. temanI
kathA anya granthothI ahIn lakhIe chhIe
te sheTh ek vasantatilakA nAmanI veshyAmAn Asakta thayo ane tene
potAnA gharamAn rAkhI. te garbhavatI thaI tyAre rog sahit deh thavAthI
tene potAnA gharamAnthI kADhI mUkI. te vasantatilakAe potAnA gharamAn ja
putra-putrInA joDakAne janma Apyo. te veshyA khedakhinna thaIne e banne
bALakone judA judA ratnakAmbaLamAn lapeTI putrIne to dakShiN daravAje
nAkhI AvI
vaNajArAe tene (putrane) upADI potAnI strI suvratAne sompyo ane tenun
dhanadev nAm rAkhyun. have pUrvopArjit karmavash te dhanadevano pelI
kamaLAnI sAthe vivAh thayo ane e banne (bhAI-bahen) pati-patnI
thayAn. pachhI A dhanadev vyApAr arthe ujjayinI nagarImAn gayo. tyAn
te pelI vasantatilakA veshyAmAn lubdha thayo ane tenA sanyogathI
vasantatilakAne ek putra janmyo. tenun nAm varuN rAkhyun. have ek
divas kamaLAe koI munine potAno sambandh pUchhyo ane munie tenun
sarva vRutAnt kahyun, te nIche pramANe chhe