प्रत्येकाः अपि च द्विविधाः निगोदसहिताः तथैव रहिताः च ।
द्विविधाः भवन्ति त्रसाः अपि च द्वित्रिचतुरक्षाः तथैव पञ्चाक्षाः ।।१२८।।
artha — pratyek vanaspati paN be prakAranI chhe. te nigod sahit
chhe tathA nigod rahit paN chhe. vaLI tras paN be prakAranA chhe. be
indriy, traN indriy tathA chAr indriy e traN to vikalatray (tras)
tathA e ja pramANe panchendriy (tras) chhe.
bhAvArtha — je vanaspatinA Ashraye nigod hoy te to sAdhAraN
chhe tene sapratiShThit paN kahevAmAn Ave chhe; tathA jenA Ashraye nigod
nathI tene pratyek ja kahevAmAn Ave chhe ane ene ja apratiShThit paN
kahevAmAn Ave chhe. vaLI be indriyAdikane tras kahevAmAn Ave chhe.❃
gommaTasAramAn kahyun chhe ke —
❃मूलग्गपोरबीजा कंदा तह खंदबीज बीजरुहा ।
सम्मुच्छिमा य भणिया पत्तेयाणंतकाया य ।।
(go. jI. gA. 185)
मूलाग्रपर्वबीजाः कन्दाः तथा स्कन्धबीजाः बीजरुहाः ।
सम्मूर्च्छनाः च भणिताः प्रत्येकाः अनन्तकायाः च ।।
artha — je vanaspati mUL, agra, parva, kand, skandh tathA bIjathI utpanna
thAy chhe tathA je sammUrchchhan chhe te vanaspatio sapratiShThit tathA apratiShThit banne
prakAranI hoy chhe.
bhAvArtha — ghaNIkharI vanaspatio mULathI utpanna thAy chhe; jem ke
adarak – haLadI vagere vagere. koI vanaspati agrabhAgathI utpanna thAy chhe; jemake
gulAb. koI vanaspatinI utpatti parvathI thAy chhe; jem ke ikShu – vent Adi. koI
vanaspati kandathI utpanna thAy chhe, jem ke sUraN vagere. koI vanaspati skandhathI utpanna
thAy chhe; jem ke DhAk vagere. ghaNIkharI vanaspati bIjathI utpanna thAy chhe; jem ke
chaNA – ghaun vagere, koI vanaspati pRithvI-jaL AdinA sambandhathI utpanna thaI jAy chhe
ane te sammUrchchhan chhe; jem ke ghAs vagere. A badhI vanaspati sapratiShThit tathA
apratiShThit banne prakAranI hoy chhe.
lokAnuprekShA ]
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