Swami Kartikeyanupreksha-Gujarati (simplified iso15919 transliteration). Gatha: 330.

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दृढचित्तः यः करोति एवं अपि व्रतं निदानपरिहीनः
वैराग्यभावितमनाः सः अपि च दर्शनगुणः भवति ।।३२९।।
arthaḥnidān arthāt ālokparalokanā bhoganī vāñchchhā
rahit banī upar pramāṇe (vratamān) draḍhachitta thayo thako vairāgyathī bhāvit
komaḷ) thayun chhe chitta jenun evo thayo thako je samyagdraṣhṭipuruṣh
vrat kare chhe tene dārshanikashrāvak kahe chhe.
bhāvārthaḥprathamanī gāthāmān shrāvak kahyā tenān ā traṇ visheṣh
visheṣhaṇ jāṇavān. pratham to draḍhachitta hoy arthāt pariṣhahādi kaṣhṭa
āvavā chhatān paṇ vratanī pratignāthī ḍage nahi, bījun nidānarahit hoy
arthāt ā lokasambandhī yash
sukhsampatti vā paralokasambandhī shubhagati
ādinī vāñchchhā rahit hoy tathā trījun vairāgyabhāvanāthī jenun chitta ārdra
arthāt siñchāyelun hoy. abhakṣha ane anyāyane atyanta anartharūp jāṇī
tyāg kare chhe paṇ em jāṇīne nahi ke ‘shāstramān tene tyāgavā yogya
kahyān chhe māṭe tyāgavān’. paṇ pariṇāmamān to rāg maṭyo nathī. (tyān
shun tyāgyun?) tyāganā anek āshay hoy chhe. ā dārshanikashrāvakane to
anya koī āshay nathī, mātra tīvra kaṣhāyanā nimittarūp mahāpāp jāṇī
tyāge chhe ane ene tyāgavāthī ja āgaḷanī (vratādi) pratimāonā
upadeshane lāyak thāy chhe. niḥshalyane vratī kahyo chhe tethī shalyarahit
tyāg hoy chhe. e pramāṇe darshanapratimādhārī shrāvakanun svarūp kahyun.
have bījī vratapratimānun svarūp kahe chheḥ
पंचाणुव्वयधारी गुणवयसिक्खावएहिं संजुत्तो
दिढचित्तो समजुत्तो णाणी वयसावओ होदि ।।३३०।।
पञ्चाणुव्रतधारी गुणव्रतशिक्षाव्रतैः संयुक्तः
दृढचित्तः शमयुक्तः ज्ञानी व्रतश्रावकः भवति ।।३३०।।
arthaḥje pāñch aṇuvratano dhārak hoy, traṇ guṇavrat tathā chār
shikṣhāvrat sahit hoy, draḍhachittavān hoy, shamabhāvathī yukta hoy tathā
dharmānuprekṣhā ]
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