jANyA teonA harSha–shokano anubhav temane hoto nathI. potAnA svarUpamAn tanmayapaNe rahe chhe ane par to sahaj
jaNAI jAy chhe. jo parane jANatAn temAn ekamek thatA hoy to paranAn sukh–dukhano anubhav thAy. paN ahIn kahe
chhe ke paramAn ekamek thaIne jANatAn nathI mATe paramArthe parane jANatA nathI, tethI ja temane paranAn sukh–dukhanun
paN par sAthe ekamek thaIne parane jANatA nathI. ekamek thaIne eTaleke nishchayathI jo parane jANatA hoy to
paranAn sukh–dukhamAn teo tanmay thaI jAy. paN paranAn sukh–dukhane koI AtmA vedato nathI. ahIn to kahe chhe ke
AtmAno je gnAn svabhAv chhe te paramArthe potAmAn ja tanmay chhe, mATe paramArthe svane ja prakAshe chhe, parane prakAshe
chhe te vyavahAr chhe. ahIn siddhane rAg–dveSh nathI mATe sukh–dukh nathI ane sansArIne rAg–dveSh chhe tethI sukhadukh
chhe. e atyAre batAvavun nathI paN gnAnasvabhAvanA sva–par prakAshakapaNAmAn nishchay ane vyavahAr batAve chhe.
gnAn pote potAne jANe chhe te nishchay chhe, ane gnAn parane jANe chhe te vyavahAr chhe.
kArya kare evI mAnyatA to pragaT mithyAtva chhe.
sAmAnA rogane jANatI vakhate rAgI jIvane je dukh thAy chhe te dukh kem thAy chhe? sAmA ajIvatattvane kAraNe
dukh nathI, pote jANyun te gnAn to jIvatattvanun chhe, te jIvatattvane lIdhe dukh nathI, paN dukh upar je dveSh Avyo
chhe te pApatattva ja dukhanun kAraN chhe. jo ajIvatattva dukhanun kAraN hoy to badhAyane dukh thAy, gnAnamAn jANavun
te dukhanun kAraN hoy to kevaLI bhagavAnane dukh thAy; mATe ajIvatattva ke tene jANanArun gnAn (–jIvatattva)
dukhanun kAraN nathI, paN jIv te vakhate je dveShabhAv kare chhe te pApatattva chhe, te ja dukhanun kAraN chhe.
mithyAtvano tyAg thAy chhe, em vAramvAr gnAnI puruShoe shAstrAdi dvArAe upadeshyun chhatAn jIv te chhoDavA
pratye upekShit shA mATe thAy chhe? te vAt vichAravA yogya chhe.”
nirvAhane arthe shAstranA koI ekavachanane bahuvachan jevun jaNAvI, je mukhya sAdhan evA satsamAgam
samAn ke tethI visheSh bhAr shAstra pratye mUke chhe, te jIvane paN aprashasta shAstrIy abhinivesh chhe.