kyAn rahI? prabhAv paDavAnun kahevun te to phakta upachAr chhe. jo paranA dravya–kShetra–kAL–bhAvathI potAnI paryAy
thavAnun mAne to, potAnA dravya–kShetra–kAL–bhAvathI pote nathI–em thaI jAy chhe eTale potAnI nAsti thaI jAy
chhe. e ja pramANe pote nimitta thaIne paranI avasthAne kare to sAmI vastunI nAsti thaI jAy chhe. temaj, koI
dravya paranun kArya kare to te dravya pararUpe chhe–em thaI gayun eTale pote potApaNe na rahyun. jIvanA svakALamAn jIv
chhe ne ajIvanA svakALamAn ajIv chhe; koI koInA kartA nathI.
jhaT te bachchAnonA gaLAmAn UtarI jAy chhe.–mATe juo, nimittanun kevun sAmarthya chhe! –em kahe chhe, paN bhAI
re! dUdhano ekek rajakaN tenA svatantra kramabaddhasvabhAvathI ja pariNamI rahyo chhe. e ja pramANe “haLadar ne khAro
bhego thatAn lAl rang thayo, mATe tyAn ekabIjA upar prabhAv paDIne navI avasthA thaI ke nahi?”–em paN
koI kahe chhe, paN te vAt sAchI nathI. haLadar ane khArAnA rajakaNo bhegA thayA ja nathI, te bannenA darek rajakaN
svatantrapaNe potapotAnA kramabaddhapariNAmathI ja tevI avasthArUpe UpajyA chhe, koI bIjAne kAraNe te avasthA
nathI thaI. jem hAramAn anek motI gUnthAyelA chhe, tem dravyamAn anAdi anant paryAyonI hAramALA chhe, temAn darek
paryAyarUpI motI kramasar goThavAyelun chhe.
kadI kAT nathI lAgato tem A mULabhUt niyam kadI pharato nathI. jem kankaN vagere paryAyorUpe UpajatA suvarNane
potAnA kankaN Adi pariNAmo sAthe tAdAtmya chhe, tem sarva dravyone potAnAn pariNAmo sAthe tAdAtmya chhe.
sonAmAn bangaDI vagere je avasthA thaI, te avasthArUpe sonun pote Upajyun chhe, sonI nahi; jo sonI te avasthA
karato hoy to temAn te tadrUp hovo joIe. parantu sonI ane hathoDI to ek kor judA rahevA chhatAn te kankaN
paryAy to rahe chhe, mATe sonI ke hathoDI temAn tadrUp nathI, sonun ja potAnI kankaN Adi paryAyamAn tadrUp chhe. e
pramANe badhAy dravyone potapotAnA pariNAm sAthe ja tAdAtmya chhe, par sAthe nahi.
parantu atyAre sutAr ke karavat nimittapaNe na hovA chhatAn paN te paramANuomAn Tebal paryAy to varte chhe; mATe
nakkI thAy chhe ke te sutAranun ke karavatanun kArya nathI. A pramANe darek vastune potAnI kramabaddha UpajatI paryAy sAthe
ja tAdAtmyapaNun chhe, parantu joDe sanyogarUpe rahelI bIjI chIj sAthe tene tAdAtmyapaNun nathI. Am hovAthI jIvane
ajIvanI sAthe kArya–kAraNapaNun nathI, tethI jIv akartA chhe–e vAt AchAryadev yuktipUrvak siddha karashe.