bhedagnAnI dharmAtmAne sharIrAdimAn potApaNAnI kalpanA kadI thatI nathI. chetanAguN to
AtmAno chhe, te kAI sharIrano nathI, sharIr to chetanArahit jaD chhe,–evun jANanAr gnAnI
potAnI gnAnakriyAne sharIramAn nathI joDatA, A Indriyo vaDe hun jANun chhun–em nathI mAnatA,
AtmAne bhinnabhinna jANIne AtmAmAn ja gnAnane joDe chhe–temAn ja ekatA kare chhe.
sharIrAdinI kriyAo paN jANanAr ja chhe, paN tenI kriyAno karanAr AtmA nathI.
uttar:– AtmA na hoy tyAre sharIr sthir rahelun chhe te paN tenI ek kriyA ja
ek kriyA chhe tem sthir rahevun te paN ek kriyA chhe. AtmA hoy tyAre paN sharIranI
kriyA sharIrathI thAy chhe, ne AtmA na hoy tyAre paN sharIranI kriyA sharIrathI ja thAy
AtmA te bhAShAno jANanAr ja chhe, paN agnAnI bhramathI em mAne chhe ke “hun bhAShA
bolyo.” gnAnI potAnI gnAnakriyA sivAy dehAdinI koI kriyAne potAnI mAnatA nathI;
te to gnAnasvabhAvane ja potAno jANIne temAn ja ekAgratA kare chhe.
विभ्रमोऽक्षीणदोषस्य सर्वावस्थाऽऽत्मदर्शिनः।।९३।।
badhI ja avasthA bhramarUp chhe; te bhale bhaNelo–gaNelo ne DAhyo hoy, jAgato hoy,
topaN potAne dehAdirUp mAnato hovAthI te bhramamAn ja paDelo chhe, mohathI te unmatta ja
chhe. jagat kahe chhe ke DAhyo chhe, gnAnI kahe chhe ke gAnDo chhe. hun chaitanya chhun evun jene bhAn
nathI ne dehane ja potAno mAnI rahyA chhe te gAnDA ja chhe.