kShaNik chhe. e rIte kul navatattvo chhe–jIv, ajIv, puNya, pAp, Asrav, samvar, nirjarA, bandh ane mokSha.
nakkI karavun joIe; tathA, jemaNe potAnun hit karI lIdhun chhe evA, temaj jemaNe potAnun hit nathI karyun evA,
potAnA sivAyanA bIjA AtmAo A jagatamAn chhe–em paN jANavun joIe. pote hit karavA mAge chhe teno
artha e paN thayo ke atyAr sudhI ahit karyun chhe. potAnA svabhAvanA lakShe ahit na thAy, paN svabhAvathI
viruddha bIjI chIjanA lakShe ahit thayun chhe. eTale jIv sivAyanI bIjI ajIv vastuo paN chhe. je chIjamAn
jANavAnI shakti chhe te jIv chhe, je chIjamAn jANavAnI shakti nathI te ajIv chhe. jIvanI paryAyamAn vikAr thAy
temAn ajIvakarma nimitta chhe. jIvanI paryAyamAn malinatAnA chAr prakAr paDe chhe–puNya, pAp, Asrav ane bandh.
temAn nimittarUp karmamAn paN e chAr prakAr chhe. tathA potAnA svabhAvanun bhAn karIne te taraph pariNamatAn shuddhatA
thAy chhe, te shuddhatAnA traN prakAr chhe–samvar, nirjarA ne mokSha. temAn karmano abhAv nimittarUp chhe. e rIte jIv,
ajIv, puNya, pAp, Asrav, bandh, samvar, nirjarA, ane mokSha em kul nav tattvo bhagavAne kahyA chhe. emAnthI
ek paN tattva ochhun thaI shake nahi, ne e nav sivAy bIjun koI dasamun tattva jagatamAn hoy nahi. jo A nav
tattvone na mAno to kAI paN vastusthiti ja sAbit nahi thAy.
‘anekAnt’ te bhagavAnanA shAsanano amogh mantra chhe; te anekAnt vaDe badho vastusvabhAv oLakhAy chhe. ghaNA
loko anekAntanun yathArtha svarUp samajyA vinA anekAntanA nAme goTA vALe chhe. anekAnt to darek tattvonI
svatantratA batAve chhe, ne parathI pRuthakatA batAvIne svabhAv taraph laI jAy chhe.
utpAd–vyay–dhuravarUp chhe. temAn jIv jyAre paranA Ashraye Upaje chhe tyAre tenI paryAyamAn puNya–pAp–
Asrav ne bandhanI utpatti thAy chhe, ane jyAre svabhAvano Ashray karIne Upaje chhe tyAre samvar–nirjarAne
mokShanI utpatti thAy chhe. e rIte jagatamAn jIvAdi nav tattvo chhe, bhagavAne pUrNa gnAnamAn te nav tattvo
joyA, divyadhvani dvArA te nav tattvo kahevAyA, ane yathArtha shrotAo te nav tattvanun svarUp samajIne
potAnA svabhAv taraph vaLyA; svabhAv taraph vaLatAn temanI paryAyamAnthI puNya–pAp–Asrav ne bandharUp
vikArI tattvono svabhAv thavA lAgyo ne samvar–nirjarA tathA mokSharUp nirmaLatattvonI utpatti thavA lAgI.
–Anun nAm dharma chhe ne A ja hitano upAy chhe.
yathArtha nathI. A jagatamAn ekalo advait AtmA ja chhe–em je mAne tene to parathI ane vikArathI bhedagnAn
karIne antarasvabhAvamAn DhaLavAnun paN rahetun nathI. jo