chhe... ane te jarUr AtmAne prApta kare chhe.
AtmAnA svarUpanI prApti kem thAy te vAt chAle chhe. anAdithI potAnA svarUpanI prApti vagar
mohabhAvanAthI AtmAnI pariNati chakarAvo khAy chhe, sthir na rahetAn puNya–pApamAn chakkar khAy chhe, tethI te
potAnI paryAyamAn kShubdha thAy chhe, ane tethI tene AtmAnI prApti dUr chhe. A rIte anAdithI AtmAnI prApti
kem na thaI te batAvyun.
parathI bhinna potAnun gnAn to bhAsatun nathI, ne gnAnanA gneyabhUt parapadArtho ja bhAse chhe eTale te bahirmukhapaNe
paragneyomAn ja varte chhe; bhinnabhinnagneyone jANavA chhatAn hun to ekAkAr gnAn ja chhun, gnAn sAthe ja mArI ekatA
chhe–evI gnAnasvabhAvanI bhAvanA vaDe AtmAnI prApti thAy chhe. paN gnAn te hun evI bhAvanA na bhAvatAn, je
paragneyone jANe chhe te gneyo sAthe ja ekatAbuddhithI temanI bhAvanA bhAve chhe, eTale par taraphanA jhUkAvathI tenI
draShTi chhUTatI nathI, par sAtheno sambandh toDIne svagney taraph vaLato nathI–e ja sansAr chhe. jene potAnun mAne tenI
sAtheno sambandh kem toDe? jenAthI lAbh mAne tenI sAtheno sambandh kem chhoDe? agnAnI paragneyane potAnun mAne chhe
ne tenAthI lAbh mAne chhe eTale tenAthI judo paDIne svamAn Avato nathI; tethI te agnAnIne AtmAnI prApti
thatI nathI, AtmAnA AnandasvarUpano tene anubhav thato nathI.
temAn ja sthir rahe tyAre parathI atyant bhinna thaIne potAnA gnAn–AnandasvarUpano anubhav thAy chhe. A rIte
antarmukh ekAgratA vaDe AtmAnI prApti thAy chhe.