* samyagdarshan kyAthi nIkaLe?
samyakpariNaman e ja samyagdarshan.
teno hAth bahAr nIkaLato nathI; bIjA koi bhUte tene pakaDayo nathI; mUThImAnthI
boranI pakkaD chhoDI dye to teno hAth chhUTo ja chhe. tem agnAnI jIve mohathI ‘par
mArA’ evI mAnyatAnI mUThI vALI chhe tethI te dukhI thaI rahyo chhe; koi bIjo tene
dukhI nathI karato. mAnyatAmAnthI paranI pakkaD chhoDI dye to, sanyogathI to te chhUTo ja
chhe; mohanun dukh hatun, te moh chhUTatAn maTI jAy chhe. chaitanyasvabhAv jagatathI chhUTo ne
chhUTo ja chhe–ene oLakhe to moh chhUTe. dukh maTe, ne svAbhAvik Anandanun vedan
thAy.–A rIte paranI pakkarUp mamatva chhUTe to dukh maTe.–A ja dukhathI chhUTavAno ne
sukhI thavAno upAy chhe.
‘AtmabhUShaN’ thayA...teno AtmA pote potAthI ja shobhI. UThayo.