sambandhI gurudev ghaNIvAr yuktithI paN samajAve chhe ke–
mahAlato hoy chhe, e rIte puNyanAn phaLane bhogavI rahyo chhe; have vartamAnamAn kare chhe to
pAp, ane bhogave chhe puNyane; to A pApanun phaL shun tene nahi Ave? Avashe ja; pUrve
koI puNya karelA tenun phaL tene atyAre dekhAy chhe. ane lAkho jIvonI hinsAnA je tIvra
pApabhAv atyAre sevI rahyo chhe tenun phaL to te narakasthAnamAn bhogavashe. ApaNI A
pRithvInI nIche ghaNe dUr narakanAn sAt sthAno chhe ne tyAn asankhyAtajIvo pApanun phaL vedI
rahyA chhe. ne upar devalokanAn sthAno chhe. sUrya–chandra–tArA vagere dekhAy chhe te paN
jyotiShI nAmanAn devonAn sthAno ja chhe. temAn devo rahe chhe; manuShyo tyAn nathI rahetA.
puNyanun phaL chhe? nA; pUrve teNe koI pAp karelA tenun phaL chhe, ne atyAre je puNyabhAv chhe
tenun phaL to svargamAn Avashe.
karyA hoy, ne te pakaDAy, to tene paN ekavAr phAnsI Ape. (kemake kAI be vAr phAnsI
nathI ApI shakAtI!)–to ek khUn karanArane eTalI sajA ne lAkho khUn karanArane
paN eTalI sajA,–emAn shun kudaratano nyAy jaLavAy chhe?–nA; ahInnun rAj bhale enA
gunAnI pUrI sajA na karI shake, paN kudaratanA nyAyamAnthI te chhUTI nahi shake. (ahIn to
kadAch hajAro khUn karavA chhatAn nirdoSh paN chhUTI jAy, paN kudaratanA kAnunamAnthI te
chhaTakI nahIn shake.) narakamAn jaIne potAnA pApanI pUrI sajA te bhogavashe.
vartamAnamAn AtmagnAn vagere dvArA chhedI paN shakAy chhe. samyagdarshan–gnAn–chAritra vaDe
jyAre pAp ane puNya bannethI rahit dashA pragaTe tyAre jIv mukti pAme chhe eTale ke
mokShadashA pAme chhe, pote bhagavAn thAy chhe, paramAtmA thAy chhe.