karIne temAn Thar–e ja tArun kharun kArya chhe, A sivAy paranAn kArya tArAn
nathI. svabhAvamAnthI pUrNatA pragaT karIne kRutakRutya thaI shake, paN paranAn
kAryo pUrA karIne kRutakRutyapaNun thAy–em banI shakatun nathI. AtmAmAn ja
Anand chhe evo jeNe nirNay na karyo te bhale puNya karIne svargamAn jAy–to
paN akRutakRutya ja chhe.
kahe chhe ane tenun phaL amRut chhe eTale ke temAn kahelA yathArtha bhAvono bodh karatAn amar evA
mokShapadanI prApti thAy chhe. ahIn teno nishchay–panchAshat adhikAr vanchAy chhe; tenI teramI
gAthAmAn kahe chhe ke–
तत्तत्र तत्परो यः स एव तल्लब्धि कृतकृत्यः।।
Adi ratnatrayanI prApti thAy chhe ane te kRutakRutya thaI jAy chhe.
gnAn–AnandasvabhAvanI pratIti jIve pUrve kadI karI nathI. jem koI mANasanA ek hAthamAn
chintAmaNi hoy ne bIjA hAthamAn paththaro hoy, tyAn chintAmaNi pAse je chintave te maLe, tenI
pratIt to kare nahi, ne paththarathI mane sukh chhe em mAnIne tene pakaDI rAkhe to lokamAn tene
mUrkha kahevAy chhe. tem AtmAno gnAnAnand svabhAv chaitanyachintAmaNi chhe, te svabhAvamAn antarmukh
draShTi kare to AtmAne Anandano anubhav thAy ne te kRutakRutya thaI jAy. paN AvA potAnA
svabhAvanI to pratIt jIv karato nathI, ne bahAranA padArthomAn mArun sukh chhe em mAnIne paranI
mamatA karIne dukhI thAy chhe. parachIj to potAnI thaI shakatI nathI, chhatAn anAdithI parane
potAnun karavA mathI rahyo chhe. tyAn to teno prayatna vyartha chhe ane AtmA gnAnAnand–svabhAvathI
bharelo chhe tenI sanmukh thaIne ekAgratA